Sermons by Rev. Darren Brandon (Page 21)

Sermons by Rev. Darren Brandon (Page 21)

Free Grace

Sermon written and delivered by Rev. Darren Brandon on June 3, 2018 at St Paul UMC. Video that was shown in sermon can be seen here.

Easter Sunday

Christ is risen! Rev. Darren Brandon speaks about the glory of Christ’s resurrection. Written by Rev. Darren Brandon. Delivered by Rev. Darren Brandon on Sunday, April 1, 2018 at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. To listen to past sermons, visit and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, St. Paul Church.

Palm Sunday

Rev. Darren Brandon preaches on Palm Sunday at St. Paul Church. To listen to past sermons, visit and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, St. Paul Church.

5th Sunday in Lent

Rev. Darren Brandon preaches on the 5th Sunday in Lent at St. Paul Church. To listen to past sermons, visit and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, St. Paul Church. To study more about this topic, download this week’s Take Home. Take Home – March 18, 2018