General Conference

General Conference

The General Conference of the United Methodist Church convened April 23-May 3 in Charlotte, NC. Pastor Darren attended in his capacity as the Kentucky Conference Secretary. Retired pastor Tom Grieb, who has placed his charge conference at St. Paul, was one of the Kentucky Conference delegates to General Conference.

Below, you will find some links to resources that will provide insights into the issues and legislation that was discussed and voted on at the Conference.

General Conference Debrief – This document provides an overview of the significant decisions that were made at this year’s General Conference.

General Conference website – This website offers an overview of the conference, including information on the legislation that was considered and how the votes went.

Kentucky Annual Conference Facebook page – The KAC has posted updates on its Facebook page throughout the General Conference.

UM News – Updates on decisions made during the General Conference

Video update from Bishop Leonard Fairley and Rev. Tom Grieb, regarding the vote related to the UMC stance on gay marriage and ordination:

Bishop Speaks to Passage of Petitions Changing Stance on Marriage and Ordination