Agape Valentine’s Day Party

Agape Valentine’s Day Party

Agape Valentine’s Day Party

Saturday, February 10
5:00-7:30pm in the Gym

All are invited! Fun for all ages! to enjoy 
Food • Fun • Music • Dancing Games • Entertainment

“Agape love” is the unconditional love that God offers us and we, in return, offer to God and others. 

Let’s share in this love together!

For more information or to help with this event, please contact Peggy Lutes at

Resource Center Love-a-thon!

During the party, we will be collecting body wash and shampoo to stock the St. Paul Resource Center hygiene pantry! 
(3-in-1 body wash is especially useful.)
Please help us reach our goal of 100 items!

We’re having a Bake-Off!

Do you like to bake and decorate for Valentine’s Day?

Sign-up at the church office to bring a Valentine-themed dessert to the party!

Pies • Cupcakes • Cookies • Cakes • Tarts • Brownies

For additional information on the Bake-Off, please contact Joanne Milo Fleshman at