Being United Methodist Take Homes

Being United Methodist Take Homes

Being United Methodist Sermon Series

Christians gather in churches of many different names: Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian, etc…  St. Paul’s History and Identity is rooted in being United Methodist. What does it mean to be a United Methodist in these changing times? What do we value as Christian Disciples? How are we being called to refocus and renew our faith? Beginning July 30, join us for sermons by Pastors Darren and Dustin and Rev. George Strunk as we explore possibilities and practices of being United Methodist in modern times.

Click on the sermon title below to watch the worship service video.

The following “Take Home” documents accompany the sermon series and offer an opportunity for deeper reflection.

July 30: Together As One – Sermon by Rev. Darren Brandon

Take Home document: Being United Methodist: Together As One

August 6: An Open Table – Sermon by Rev. Darren Brandon

Take Home document: Being United Methodist: An Open Table

August 13: A Common Ministry – Sermon by Rev. Dustin Woods

Take Home document: Being United Methodist: A Common Ministry

August 20: Inherit the World – Sermon by Rev. George Strunk

August 27: God Cares: Salvation and Acts of Mercy – Sermon by Rev. Darren Brandon